Forest certification standards set principles and criteria that are universally applicable and not negotiable. The standard documents consist of core 'Principles', under which a number of compliance Criteria are listed. Each national initiative adopts or adapts the Principles and Criteria (or Benchmarks) that are set out in the International Standards. National standards may provide verifiers, detailing possible measures to deliver the Principles, Criteria, and Indicators or provide guidance to clarify the requirements of Indicators where necessary. These verifiers or guidance are however not considered 'normative elements' of the standards.
The following hierarchy describes the function of each level in the certification standards:
- Principle - What is wanted
- Criterion - What needs to happen
- Indicator - What can be measured
Compliance with certification is at the level of the Management Unit (MU), regardless of the size of the MU. Some requirements indicate that they are 'proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk' and for some indicators specific alternative requirements are specified for Small or Low Intensity Managed Forests (SLIMF).
The Forest Management Manual (FMM) consists of documents and templates that were developed as part of the group certification project to assist owners in complying with certification principles.
Disclaimer: All templates and documents developed for this project were designed for use with the Irish certification standards valid at the time of the project. Since the completion of the project both National Standards have undergone revision. (See the Forest Certification section of this website) The templates featured in this Forest Management Manual (FMM) may therefore require updating to ensure compliance with changes that came into effect after this project was completed. No liability will be accepted by DAFM or the project partners for the supply or use of these templates and documents. Forest owners are advised to get independent advice in relation to forest management and forest certification.
A review and revision of templates and documents featured on this website is was undertaken with funding support from DAFM under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022 and under the Forestry Promotions Projects 2023/2024. Any new or revised documentation will be uploaded as soon as this becomes available and will contain a revision date in the document-footer. The above disclaimer includes any new or revised templates or documents developed under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022 and under the Forestry Promotions Projects 2023/2024.
Note: For ease of reference, the most recent individual templates are listed below under the general Principles employed in forest certification. The below layout and numbering of the templates may have changed since the original Pilot Project to follow the layout and numbering of Principles in the most recent forest certification standard.
Table of Contents Forest Management Manual
Glossary of Terms
1: Compliance with Laws
Tem.1.2 Legal Ownership/Third Party Rights
Tem.1.2 Legal Ownership/Third Party Rights
Tem.1.4a Illegal/Unauthorised Activity Policy
Tem.1.4a Illegal/Unauthorised Activity Policy
Tem.1.4b Record of Illegal/Unauthorised Activity
Tem.1.4b Record of Illegal/Unauthorised Activity
Tem.1.8 Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter
Tem.1.8 Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter
Tem.1.8a Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter (hunting)
Tem.1.8a Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter (hunting)
2: Workers Rights and Employment Conditions
Tem.2.1 Statement of compliance with employment and business legislation
Tem.2.1 Statement of compliance with employment and business legislation
Tem.2.3a Emergency/Contingency Planning
Tem.2.3a Emergency/Contingency Planning
Tem.2.3b Lone Working Emergency Plan
Tem.2.3b Lone Working Emergency Plan
Tem.2.3c Accident and Incident Reporting Record
Tem.2.3c Accident and Incident Reporting Record
Tem.2.5a Training (Competency) and Insurance Record (Forestry Worker | Shooting & Game)
Tem.2.5a Training (Competency) and Insurance Record
Tem.2.5b Operational Monitoring Checklist
Tem.2.5b Operational Monitoring Checklist
3: Indigenous Peoples' Rights [Not Applicable in Ireland]
4: Community Relations
Tem.4.1 Stakeholder List
Tem.4.1 Stakeholder List
Tem.5.3 Tree Sales Agreement (ITGA) - latest edition
Tem.5.5 Annual FMU Budget
Tem.5.5 Annual FMU Budget
6: Environmental Values and Impacts
Tem.6.1 Environmental Impact Assessment
Tem.6.1 Environmental Impact Assessment
7: Management Plan
The Forest Management Plan consists of two parts: the Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1a) and the Forest Inventory and Work Plan (Tem.7.1b). Both parts must be completed.
Tem.7.1a Forest Management Plan (FMP)
Tem.7.1a Forest Management Plan (FMP)
Tem.7.1b Forest Inventory and Work Plan
Tem.7.1b Forest Inventory and Work Plan
Tem.7.1c Forest Management Plan (FMP) - Notes
Tem.7.1d Forest Management Plan (FMP) - Summary Plan
Tem.7.1d Forest Management Plan (FMP) - Summary Plan
8: Monitoring and Assessment
Tem.8.1 Annual Monitoring Report
Tem.8.1 Annual Monitoring Report
Tem.8.2 Forestry Operations Contract
Tem.8.2 Forestry Operations Contract
See also Part 4: Monitoring Plan Summary of the Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1.a )
9: High Conservation Values
See Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1.a ) and FMP Notes (Tem.7.1c ) containing a decision tree for identifying High Conservation Value Forests.
10: Implementation of Management Activities
Tem.10.7a Integrated Pest Management Strategy
Tem.10.7b Pesticide Use Record
Tem.10.7b Pesticide Use Record
Tem.10.10 Work Planning Checklist
Tem.10.10 Work Planning Checklist
Tem.10.11 Harvesting Site Commencement Checklist
Tem.10.11 Harvesting Site Commencement Checklist
Tem.10.12 Waste Disposal Policy
All Management Activities should adhere to Principles 1-9 above. See Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1.a )
For more information on forest certification standards, see , and
The Group Management Manual (GMM) sets out guidelines for the Management of a Group for Forest Certification purposes.
The Group Management Manual is designed to adhere to the requirements for managing a certification group as set out in International Group Certification Standards:
The below documents, which form the Group Management Manual, were successfully used as part of the group certification pilot project. These documents are available on request for those wishing to set up a forest certification group.
Disclaimer: All templates and documents developed for the group certification pilot project were designed for use with the Irish certification standards and group certification standards valid at the time of the project. Since the completion of the project both National Standards as well as the Group certification standards have undergone revision. (See the Forest Certification section of this website.) The templates featured in the Group Management Manual may therefore require updating to ensure compliance with changes that came into effect after this project was completed. No liability will be accepted by DAFM or the project partners for the supply or use of these templates and documents. Forest owners are advised to get independent advice in relation to forest management and forest certification.
A review and revision of templates and documents featured on this website is currently being undertaken with funding support from DAFM under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022 and under the Forestry Promotions Projects 2023/2024. Any new or revised documentation will be uploaded as soon as this becomes available and will contain a revision date in the document-footer. The above disclaimer includes any new or revised templates or documents developed under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022 and under the Forestry Promotions Projects 2023/2024.
The Group Management Manual consists of the following documents:
(Where an equivalent Template is mentioned in the Forest Management Manual (FMM), either the FMM Template or GMM Document version can be used)
Doc.00a Glossary
Doc.01 Group Rules - document setting out specific requirements members of the group have to comply with as defined by the forest certification standards and groupcertification standards.
Doc.02 Consent Form - membership application form and consent form in which group members agree to comply with Group Rules, and thereby agree to adhering to the forest certification standards, and agree to pay an annual membership fee for a minimum of 5 years.
Doc.03 Group Member Register - Record of details of group members and their forest holdings. [This can include full Forest Data as per Doc.07]
Doc.04 Group Corrective Action Request (CAR) Record - List of Corrective Action Requests identified for the group that have to be addressed following pre-assessment visit, internal or external audit. Note that a new Member can only be accepted into the Group, if there are no outstanding Major Non-Conformities.
Doc.05 Group Member Training - a speadsheet for recording training undergone by group members.
Doc.06 Group Personnel Training Record - Record of training certs and qualifications.
Doc.07 Forest Data - Record of details of member forests within the group. (Note that Doc.03 can also be used to collect Forest Data)
Doc.08 Pre-assessment Checklist - checklist used by the Group Manager when inspecting member forests as part of an Internal Audit or Pre-assessment visit.
Doc.09a Sample Audit Plan - typical letter prior to audit detailing audit date, time and place. [The Auditor generally supplies the Certificate Holder with an Audit Plan prior to an Audit.]
Doc.09b Sample Audit Report - List of findings (Non-Conformities (NCs) and Observations identified at Audit with CARs. [An Audit Report is supplied by the Auditor or Certification Body after each Audit.]
Doc.10a Membership Decision Record - Form used by Group Manager to decide on acceptance of member to Group.
Doc.10b Confirmation of Membership - Copy of a typical confirmation letter when accepted to group.
Doc.11 Suspension/Withdrawal Notification - where member is in breach of group rules and certification standard.
Doc.12 Complaint Record - record of any complaints received and how they were dealt with.
Doc.13a Stakeholder List - List of National and Local stakeholders to be circulated with Stakeholder Consultation details. (See Tem.4.1 in the FMM)
Doc.13b Stakeholder Site Notice *) - Example of a typical Site Notice to be placed at forest entrances at time of Stakeholder Consultation.
Doc.13c Stakeholder Briefing Information - Short note explaining when and for what time period Stakeholder Consultation will be undertaken throughout the forest certification process.
Doc.14 Sales Information and Trademark Use - Information on the use of Trademarks. The use of trademarks is very specific for each forest certification scheme. For more information see and
Doc.15 Company Structure & Roles (see also Group Structure)
Doc.16 Annual Monitoring Report - record of activities over past 12 months, any changes to FMP, incidents, etc and planned activities for next 12 months. (See Tem.8.1 in the FMM)
Doc.17 Certification Process Flow (see also Group Certification Process)
Doc.18 Documentary Requirements for Forest Certification in Ireland
Doc.19 GDPR Statement (general)
*) Guidance on Placement of Site notices, can be found in the Forest Service Circular 15/2017 Placement of Site Notices and can also be found attached to the site notices, as included in Circular 17 of 2020. Amendment to Guidance on Site Notices for Afforestation and Forest Roads was published October 2023, see Circular 23 of 2023 ; a further amendment was published in September 2024, see Circular 12 of 2024
For a full list of DAFM Circulars, see Forestry Circulars on the Department Website.
Additional Resources relating to Group Certification:
For additional information on forest management certification for groups as defined by the forest certification schemes, see and
In addition to the two manuals that were developed as part of the pilot project, a range of resource materials is available online. The below Resource Library has gathered information from various reference sources in one convenient place. While every attempt has been made to include as many up to date relevant resources as possible, this list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.
Forest Service Guidelines
Forest Service (DAFM) Guidelines should be adhered to for any forestry operation and can be found on the Forest Service, DAFM website
See Forest Service Environmental Information & Guidelines on the new DAFM website and previous DAFM suite of Environmental Guidelines.
Conditions attached to licences for forestry operations often refer to these DAFM Guidelines.
The list of old and new environmental guidelines now available on the GOV.IE Website includes:
- Forest Biodiversity Guidelines
- Forest Protection Guidelines
- Forestry and Kerry Slug Guidelines
- Forestry and Otter Guidelines
- Forests and Water
- Forestry and the Landscape Guidelines
- Forest Recreation in Ireland - A Guide for Forest Owners and Managers
- Native Woodland Establishment GPC9 and GPC10
- Woodland for Water
- Aerial Fertilisation Requirements (June 2015)
- Forestry and Water Quality Guidelines
- Forestry and Archaeology Guidelines
- Forest Harvesting and Environmental Guidelines
- Forestry and Freshwater Pearl Mussel Requirements, (DAFM, 2008)
- Land Types for Afforestation
- Environmental Requirements for Afforestation
- DRAFT Plan for Forests & Freshwater Pearl Mussel in Ireland
Forest Service regularly updates Registered Foresters and Contractors with additional information on forestry schemes, see Forest Service Scheme Circulars
Forestry Standards Manual (2023 Working Document)
Forestry Act, 2014
The Forestry Act, 2014 came into force 24th May 2017, for more information,
see Circular 08 - 2017 Commencement Forestry Act, 2014
See also 'Forestry Act 2014' on the Teagasc website and 'Forestry and the Law' on the DAFM website for the Legal and Regulatory Framework relevant to Irish Forestry.
EUDR - EU Deforestation Regulation
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) was published in June 2023.
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is designated as Competent Authority for the EU Deforestation Regulation.
- Regulation (EU) 2023/1115
- DAFM EUDR information
- - information on EUDR in the context of forest certification
- - information on EUDR in the context of forest certification
Thinning and Felling Practices
A good source of information in this regard is, including:
See also New Tree Felling Requirements Information Note, 09/06/2017
For more information on Tree Felling Licences, see DAFM Website - Tree Felling Licences
See also Forestry Licence Viewer
- Specified Biomass Harvesting - Good Practice Guidance for Energy Assortment Harvesting at Clearfell (irbea, 2023)
Health & Safety Guidelines
Health & Safety Guidelines can be found on the Health & Safely Authority (HSA) Website, for example:
- Lone Workers Policy
- Chainsaw Safety Training Advice Information Sheet (September 2015)
- Information on the Health and Safety responsibilities of Forest Land Owners and Managers who intend to fell their trees (Information Sheet)
- Code of Practice for Managing Safety & Health in Forestry Operations
- Guidelines on First Aid at Places of Work
Site Safety Guides
Information on Site Safety Guides can be found on the UK Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA) Website
A comprehensive list is also appended to Doc.05 Group Member Training of Group Management Manual
Health and Safety Authority - Irish Forestry Safety Guides (IFSG) A suite of Safety Guides modified for Irish use by kind permission of FISA, including:
- IFSG 301 - Using Petrol Driven Chainsaws
- IFSG 302 - Basic Chainsaw Fellling and Manual Takedown
- IFSG 303 - Chainsaw Snedding
- IFSG 304 - Chainsaw Cross Cutting and Manual Stacking
- IFSG 306 - Chainsaw Clearance and Windblow
- IFSG 307 - Chainsaw Felling of Large Trees
- IFSG 503 - Extraction by Forwarder
- IFSG 603 - Mechanical Harvesting
- IFSG 804 - Electricity at Work: Forestry
- IFSG FC1 - Health & Safety Guidance for Forestry Work Manager in Selecting & Monitoring Contractors
- Safe use of Quad Bikes in Agriculture and Forestry
Plant Health, Habitats & Biodiversity
A good source of information in this regard is
Pest Information Notes on various pests are available from the Forest Health section of the Forest Service Website.
See also
and the National Biodiversity Data Centre (
and All-Ireland Pollinator Plan
For guidance on Biosecurity measures, see:
- Biosecurity - Good working practice for those involved in forestry - Forestry Commission UK Leaflet
- A DAFM Leaflet entitled 'Forest Health Biosecurity Kit' is available from the Forest Health section of the Forest Service Website.
For Habitat classification, see A Guide to Habitats in Ireland - by Julie A. Fossitt (Sometimes referred to as the Fossitt Guide)
National Roads Authority Guidance:
- Guidelines for the Treatment of Badgers prior to the Construction of a National Road Scheme
- Guidelines for the Treatment of Otters prior to the Construction of a National Road Scheme
High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF)
Sources to assist in the identification of HCVF:
- Common Guidance for the Indentification of High Conservation Values, HCV Resource Network (2013)
- HCV Screening Information Note, HCV Resource Network
- High Conservation Value Guidance for Forest Managers,
Protected sites in Ireland:
- National Parks & Wildlife Service - The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) is responsible for the designation of conservation sites in Ireland
- NPWS Protected Sites Map Viewer
Other Useful NPWS Guidance :
- Irish Wildlife Manuals - NPWS
- Red Lists - NPWS
Chemical Control
- For List of 'highly hazardous' pesticides, see
- Environmental and Social Risk Assessment (ESRA) requirements, see Pesticides Policy
- Integrated Pest Management Stategy (Tem. 6.6a) of Forest Management Manual
- Protecting Drinking Water from Pesticides - Advice for Farmers and Other Professional Users
- Guidance Notes on Integrated Pest Management For Use On Irish Farms
- HSA - Use Chemicals Safely on the Farm
- Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (SUD)
- Information for Pesticide Users/Sprayers
- Plant Protection Products Books (2014 - 2021)
- Good Plant Protection Practice (GPPP) - June 2024
- National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (February 2019)
- 'Farm Hazardous Waste Collections 2013–2017' (published 2020) - report on FHW collections in period 2013-2017.
- Farm Plastics Recycling Services
Timber Transport
- Round Timber Transport - Guidelines for Hauliers and Drivers (Forest Industry Transport Group, July 2017)
- Safe Load Securing of Round Timber (HSA)
- Managing Timber Transport Good Practice Guide (2014)
- Loading Timber from Roadside Forests - Good Practice 2016 (Timber Transport Forum)
- Road Haulage of Round Timber Code of Practice (Irish Forest Industry Chain)
Illegal Dumping:
Illegal dumping is a major problem in Irish forests and requires constant monitoring.
One way of reporting incidents of illegal dumping and other environmental pollution is via the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 'See it? Say it!' App
The 'See it? Say it!' App was developed to help report environmental pollution straight from a phone. Using the App, a person can take a photograph of a pollution incident, whether it is flytipping, water pollution or littering, add a quick description and their contact details and send the message with automatic GPS location coordinates for follow up by the relevant authority. The App is Free and is available from the AppStore and GooglePlay.
National Forest Certification Standards:
- PEFC Irish Forest Certification Standard (Endorsed December 2011, Revised 2014)
- Interim Forest Stewardship Standard for Ireland (April 2024) - effective date 15th July 2024
Forest Protection from Fire:
- Reducing the Risk of Forest Fire - FORESTRY.IE Website
- Met Eireann Fire Weather Index - MET Eireann Website
- Recording of 'Forest Fire Prevention & Control' Webinar - featuring Ciaran Nugent (DAFM) and Anthony Tynan, Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer with Laois County Fire and Rescue Service - FORESTRY.IE Insights Webinar Series
Private Forest Certification in Ireland:
- 'A study on Private Forest Certification in Ireland' (COFORD, 2022)
Other Useful Information Links:
- - DAFM Forest Service
- - Archaeological Survey of Ireland
- - Integrated Catchment Management in Ireland
- - the Programme of Competitive Forestry Research for Development
- - Practical Research Information Notes with an emphasis on practical recommendations
- - Hunter Competence Assessment Programme (HCAP)
- - Environmental Protection Agency
- Fire Weather Index - Met Eireann Fire Weather Forecasts
- - Tree Pests & Diseases (UK)
- - Managing Public Safety on Harvesting Sites
- - Management of Goalposts
- - Forestry portal for the Irish forest industry
- - A range of links to various industry bodies and publications
- - Online Directory of forestry and timber services in Ireland
- - Comprehensive list of Irish Forest Industry Statistics
- - past articles in the Forestry & Timber Yearbook publications
- - Health & Safety Authority
- - Irish Deer Management Forum
- - Irish Timber Growers Association providing information and representation services to forest owners for over 40 years
- - Met Eireann weather forecasts for Ireland
- Met Eireann Fire Weather Index
- - National Parks & Wildlife Service
- Pesticides Registration & Control Division (PRCD), DAFM
- - Forestry Development Department providing advice, training and research on farm forestry
- - Forest Industry Safety Accord - Safety Library
Links last updated: 25th September 2024